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O Conquering One, what of those who have entered well into the way of the bodhisattva? How shall they live? How shall they practice? How should they keep their thoughts?
The Conqueror spoke the following words, in reply to Subhuti's question:
"O Subhuti, it is good, it is good. O Subhuti, thus it is, and thus is it: the One Thus Gone has indeed done benefit to the bodhisattvas who are great beings, by granting them beneficial instruction. The One Thus Gone has indeed given clear direction to the bodhisattvas who are great beings, by granting them the clearest of instruction.
And since it is so, o Subhuti, listen now to what I speak, and be sure that it stays firmly in your heart, for I shall reveal to you how it is that those who have entered well into the way of the bodhisattva should live, and how they should practice, and how they should keep their thoughts.
"Thus shall I do," replied the junior monk Subhuti, and he sat to listen as instructed by the Conqueror. The Conqueror too then began, with the following words:
"Subhuti, this is how those who have entered well into the way of the bodhisattva must think to themselves as they feel the Wish to achieve enlightenment"
The students of Venerable Lobsang Chunzom dedicate Mandaladharma.com to sharing the Dharma far and wide.
Venerable Lobsang Chunzom is an ordained Buddhist nun and teacher of Buddhism and meditation for 30 years.
She is the founder of Limitless Health Institute, a not-for-profit company that delivers educational wellness programs that help people achieve greater health and happiness by taking care of the health and happiness of others. LHI provides instructional classes that promote the advancement of knowledge through experiential learning in creative environments. Customized services advocate, support, and inform individuals, families, and communities to live a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.
As a licensed Creative Arts Psychotherapist, specializing in dance/movement, Venerable Chunzom designs and produces arts programs for at-risk youth, teaches meditation to families in crisis, and organizes storytelling plays performed by elders in need.
She completed a 3-year silent meditation retreat and shares her wisdom and compassionate heart as she teaches and travels from her home city of New York to communities around the world.